Alarming, right?!! What the heck?! I’m a very peaceful person. I don’t usually kill things (except bugs, but that’s a different story).
I was absolutely terrified, yet because of the danger to myself and my children, I overcame that fear and lived.
Fear of a deadly snake is reasonable. No one wants to die by snake bite. The fear causes our entire being to rise to the challenge in order to survive.
But what about when our fears are constant, or not so reasonable?
What happens when fear begins to steal the life out of us? Keeps us from being all who we were created to be?
Well, that is a different kind of fear
I have spent the last several years struggling off and on with anxiety. I’ve had a few panic attacks and generally lived in a heightened state of fear for way too long.
I don’t know why.
The reality of being afraid without cause is dream stealing, life stopping and wholly draining.
I’ve tried different approaches to addressing this problem and here is the place I finally came to:
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. – 2Tim1:7
If God is not giving me the fear, then I don’t want it!!
I’ve gotten to the place where I am refusing to stay victim to this awful fear. I’m fighting back! I’m going to squeeze the head off that snake or stomp its head or do whatever until it’s dead and gone!!
If you can relate, here are some tools:
Pursue God Relentlessly
Being is God’s presence seems to always lessen the anxiety levels. I find deeper levels of his Presence when I’m reading the Bible, praying (especially with other people), and worshipping Him. I started playing worship music almost all day, every day. The Bible says God inhabits the praises of His people, so just praising Him can help bring his Presence.
I get up way earlier than I really want to, just to have a quiet time with God each day. It always set the mood for my day. The days I sleep in and miss it, I feel it. Everything is harder when I haven’t set my mind on his ways.
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not reached perfection in love. – 1John4:18
As I read His word, I bask in His love, and fear falls away. I want His love to be perfected in me, so the fear will stay away permanently!
Rebuke the Spirit of Fear
Fear (some types) can actually be a spiritual presence. The beauty of that is when we’ve placed our lives in Jesus’ hands, all spirits are under His authority. If you sense a spiritual presence that is not the Holy Spirit, you can make it leave, in Jesus’ name! I know that might sound a little crazy to some of you, but trust me, it works!! We do not have to suffer at the hands of ungodly oppression.
I’ve just recently read an incredible book on supernatural ministry called, Miracle Work, by Jordan Seng. There is a chapter in there about deliverance and understanding the spiritual realm. I found it extremely eye-opening and helpful.
Move Forward Scared
Sometimes the solution to our fear is to just move forward, to get unfrozen. Courage is not the absence of fear, but actions in the face of fear. Try to do one thing that has been causing you fear. Or even walk yourself through the thought process of “what’s the worst case scenario…” For instance, say your finances are causing you a lot of anxiety. What’s the worst thing that could happen if you don’t get the money you need? Will you be unable to pay your bills? If you don’t pay them, what will happen? A late fee? Service shut off? If you don’t pay rent what will happen? A notice of eviction?
We had a season of extremely low funds and lots of fear surrounded me about not being able to pay our bills/rent. I had to get to the place in my mind that even if my credit was ruined (my pride likes my good credit score) and we were evicted, that we would be ok. God would take care of us in that situation. My life would not end with a lowered credit score. The irony was that none of those things happened. God took care of us long before we got into those desperate scenarios. I can look back now and see that my fears were just that – fears. They weren’t reality and they never became reality. If I’d allowed my fears to keep me frozen, I wouldn’t have done what I needed to do to provide for my family. I wouldn’t have done what God was showing me to do.
Fear is not the boss of us!
As the verse says above, God gives us power, love, and self-discipline. We are overcomers! Jesus has already won the victory. Let’s tap into His victory, power and love to see change come into our personal lives.
These words are not meant to be theories we ponder in our minds, but promises and tools for us to see a dramatic change in our lives.
You can find relief. You will overcome. In Jesus’ name!
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