I’m praying the whole time I’m walking because it’s a good time to pray. I’m praying for friends; I’m praying for the Kickstarter campaign, etc.
Just as I’m about to round the final corner of the block, I see a $20 bill on the sidewalk!! What??!! I’ve never found $20 on the ground in my life!!
Now here is where God is funny.
I was at a friend’s house the night before and we were talking about obedience and faith. We were saying how we’d seen God do amazing, unthinkable things when we’ve been obedient to do our part. She told a story about how she got the very camera she is using for her photography business at an unheard of price and it was clearly God arranging those details. I said, “Yes, see God does provide for us, but not by dropping money from the sky, he gives to us through other people.”
Back to my walk…
So when I saw that $20 bill on the ground, lying as if it had fallen from the sky, I felt like God said, “I can do anything, even drop money from the sky.”
When I got home, I told my husband what just happened and he pointed out the connection between $20 and $20,000 goal of the Kickstarter campaign.
Isn’t that amazing??!!! I mean finding $20 is just fun, but having God speak to my heart in that way in incredible!
I’m continuing to believe that God is showing me the truth, that he is revealing his plans and his heart for me. I’m believing God didn’t bring me this far just to let me fail.
One of the things I love about going on this journey with God to fulfill my calling and step into all He has for me is He really is on the journey with me, step-by-step. I imagine we are chatting along the path and He is teaching me such incredible things. I get afraid and He is there to hold my hand and help me take the next step anyway. When I get tired, He sits down to rest with me and strokes my hair. As we walk, he is sharing some of what He knows is up ahead because He knows this path, He has been here before, many, many times.
As we reach little milestones, we celebrate together. He tells me He is proud of me. We enjoy these moments. Then, after a bit, we get back on the path again, moving forward.
He is always by my side. When I lay down to rest at night, He sits up watching over me. He keeps the fire going so I don’t get cold. He sings quietly over me all the dreams He has for me.
He is good and I love Him. I love Him because He has shown himself worthy of my love and my trust.
Sweet beloved, if you are holding tight to something afraid to trust God with it, I encourage you to gently open your hands and let it go. He has good plans for you. He is trustworthy!
When’s a time you saw God’s amazing provision?
(My Kickstarter campaign to launch my children’s book is in its 4th day. We’ve got great rewards, so go take a look!)
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